Caregiving Resources: AARP’s Support for Family Caregivers

Older man and woman sitting at a kitchen table talking

Caring for a loved one is a rewarding but often overwhelming responsibility. Family caregivers provide essential support, often balancing multiple roles while managing caregiving’s physical, emotional, and financial demands. Recognizing these challenges, AARP offers a range of resources and support services to assist family caregivers.  We will explore the various caregiving resources provided by AARP […]

Retirement Planning with AARP: Workshops, Webinars, and Tools

Retired man on his laptop sitting in a chair

Retirement planning is one of the most important components of your long-term financial well-being. Starting early can make a huge difference in achieving your goals.  AARP, one of the most prominent organizations dedicated to empowering Americans aged 50 and older, offers comprehensive resources to help individuals plan for a secure and fulfilling retirement. Their workshops, […]

Aging Gracefully: AARP’s Tips for Healthy Living in Later Years

Happy couple giving each other a hug

Aging is a fact of life, but growing old doesn’t have to mean slowing down. Leading a healthy lifestyle and staying active during your retirement years can help maximize the chances of remaining healthy and enjoying a fulfilling retirement. Consider these tips for healthy aging. Build a Support Network Social isolation continues to be a […]

Understanding AMAC: The Association of Mature American Citizens

Graphic of an elderly couple laughing

AMAC (The Association of Mature American Citizens) is often considered an alternative to other senior advocacy groups, offering its members various benefits while engaging in political advocacy.  But what exactly is AMAC, and what sets it apart? We will dive into the history, mission, and services of AMAC to provide a comprehensive overview. What is […]

6 Things To Know About AARP Before Joining

AARP is a nonprofit membership organization offering seniors many benefits and resources. This guide will cover everything needed to know about AARP, including its membership benefits, advocacy efforts, and how to join.