AARP and Technology: Bridging the Generation Gap

Older woman on a computer typing at her desk

As technology continues to become prevalent in our daily lives, many older adults find themselves grappling with its challenges and opportunities. Enter AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering individuals 50 and up. 

Over the years, AARP has made significant strides in helping older adults engage with technology, bridging the generational gap that often exists between them and younger, more tech-savvy individuals.

Keep reading as we explore how AARP is working to make technology more accessible to older adults, the importance of this effort in reducing the digital divide, and the positive effects that tech adoption can have on senior citizens.

Understanding the Technology Gap

The generation gap in technology use is real. Younger generations have grown up surrounded by the internet, smartphones, and computers. By contrast, many older adults have had to learn to use these devices later in life, which can feel overwhelming and frustrating. The digital divide between generations is not only about access to devices but also the ability to use them confidently and effectively.

According to AARP’s 2021 Tech Trends Report, nearly 75% of adults aged 50 and older use technology daily, but many still struggle with certain aspects. Common challenges include navigating complex devices, understanding new apps, managing online security, and keeping up with constant updates. As technology plays an increasingly vital role in everyday life—whether for banking, communication, or healthcare—older adults who aren’t comfortable with it risk being left behind.

AARP’s Role in Empowering Seniors with Technology

Older woman sitting on a chair in her living room on a computer

AARP recognizes the importance of technology in improving older adults’ quality of life, from maintaining social connections to managing health and well-being and more. To bridge this technology gap, the organization has launched various initiatives aimed at helping older adults embrace technology.

1. AARP TEK (Technology, Education, and Knowledge)

AARP TEK is a program designed to teach older adults the skills they need to use smartphones, tablets, and computers. Offering in-person workshops, online tutorials, and downloadable guides, AARP TEK covers everything from basic device operation to navigating social media and managing online privacy.

The in-person workshops paused during the COVID-19 pandemic but are gradually returning have been particularly impactful. These hands-on classes offer older adults the opportunity to learn at their own pace, ask questions, and practice under the guidance of patient instructors. AARP TEK also emphasizes the importance of digital literacy in everyday life, showing seniors how they can use technology to stay in touch with family, pursue hobbies, or even shop online safely.

2. Senior Planet from AARP

In collaboration with OATS (Older Adults Technology Services), AARP launched Senior Planet, a digital platform designed to help seniors learn and engage with technology. It offers several different online courses, including topics such as video chatting, telemedicine, social media, and even online dating. The program is geared towards empowering older adults to integrate and embrace technology into their daily lives.

Senior Planet also has an active online community where older adults can share their experiences, ask questions, and receive peer support. This platform helps create a sense of belonging and reduces the isolation that many seniors feel, especially when trying to keep up with a rapidly changing digital world.

3. AARP Innovation Labs

AARP is focused on helping older adults adopt existing technologies and is invested in shaping the future of tech for seniors. Through AARP Innovation Labs, the organization collaborates with startups and tech companies to create products and services that address the unique needs of older adults.

AARP Innovation Labs has fostered the development of innovative solutions such as wearable devices for health monitoring, apps that simplify caregiving tasks, and virtual reality experiences designed to combat loneliness. These partnerships help ensure that tomorrow’s technology is accessible and beneficial to all generations, especially older adults.

How Technology is Bridging the Generation Gap

AARP’s initiatives are not just about teaching older adults how to use devices; they’re also about fostering intergenerational connections and providing resources for individuals to feel confident in their tech use.. Here’s how technology, supported by AARP, is reducing the generational divide:

1. Social Media and Communication Platforms

Many older adults are embracing social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, largely thanks to programs like AARP TEK and Senior Planet. These platforms allow them to stay in touch with younger family members, view photos, share updates, and even join interest groups that align with their hobbies.

Learning how to video call through Zoom or FaceTime has also become essential, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, when in-person visits were restricted. Grandparents can now virtually attend family gatherings, birthdays, and even watch their grandchildren’s school performances online.

2. Shared Hobbies Through Online Platforms

Online communities and platforms dedicated to hobbies—such as gardening, crafting, or genealogy—offer another way for older adults and younger generations to connect. AARP’s initiatives help older adults access these communities, enabling them to engage with like-minded individuals of all ages. This has helped break down barriers as older adults discover that they share many of the same interests as their younger counterparts, creating opportunities for intergenerational bonding.

3. Health and Wellness Technology

Wearable devices like fitness trackers and health-monitoring apps are another area where technology is bridging the generational gap. With AARP’s support, older adults are learning how to use these devices to monitor their health, track their physical activity, and even manage chronic conditions like diabetes or high blood pressure.

Technology like telemedicine has also made healthcare more accessible for seniors, allowing them to consult with doctors remotely and manage prescriptions online. By embracing these technologies, older adults are able to maintain their independence and quality of life, while younger generations can rest easier knowing that their loved ones are using tools to stay healthy and safe.

Overcoming Barriers to Tech Adoption

While AARP has made significant strides in promoting tech adoption among older adults, barriers still need to be addressed. Common obstacles include fear of making mistakes, concerns about online security, and the belief that technology is too complicated or unnecessary.

AARP addresses these concerns by emphasizing education and support. Programs like AARP TEK and Senior Planet provide step-by-step guidance, ensuring that older adults feel confident in using new technologies. Additionally, AARP offers online safety and privacy resources, teaching seniors how to recognize and avoid scams, create strong passwords, and safeguard their personal information.

The Benefits of Tech Adoption for Seniors

Adopting technology brings numerous benefits for older adults:

  • Enhanced Social Connections
  • Improved Health and Wellness
  • Greater Independence
  • Mental Stimulation


As technology continues to shape today’s world, it’s essential to ensure that older adults are not left behind. AARP’s efforts to bridge the generation gap through education, innovation, and support have made a significant impact, helping older adults navigate the digital landscape confidently.

By embracing technology, older adults can enjoy a richer, more connected life while fostering deeper relationships with younger generations. Through programs like AARP TEK, Senior Planet, and AARP Innovation Labs, the organization empowers seniors and paves the way for a future where technology serves everyone, regardless of age.

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